chosen vessel
children of God, let us salute the chosen and used vessel of God, mother Teresa
of Calcutta. Many chosen vessel and saints of God came to serve and minister in
India, from all these, the flower of bud came and spread the Aroma of Jesus’
love. Mother Teresa lived to serve Jesus in the poorest of the poor. Her love
for God grew strong and she wanted all people to come to love Jesus as she did
and to be as happy as she was. Once she had a vision: she saw many very people
and children calling out to her; “come, come, save us- bring us to Jesus”. And
God said to her; carry Jesus to the poor- fear not I will be with you. Mother
Teresa’s charitable work began to attract attention of many nations and
world. The first mission she opened
outside of India was in Venezuela in July 1965 and before long she had missions
in many other countries of the world. Mother Teresa received many awards, the
first being the padma shri in 1962. She received the
Jawaharlal Nehru award in1972 and the Bharat Ratna [the jewel of
India] in 1980. One award that caught the attention of the whole world was the
Noble Peace Prize, which she received on 10 December 1979 in Oslo, Norway. She
accepted it and every award and honor [over 700 in her life time] not for herself
but in the name of the poor. She was often away from Calcutta, traveling to all
parts of the world to bring God’s message of Love and Compassion.
Teresa was born on 26 August 1910 in the city of Skopje, which today is the
capital of the Republic of Macedonia. Her parents, Nikola and Drana Bojaxhiu,
were fervent Catholics from Albania. They had her baptized the day after she
was born and gave her the name Gonxha Agnes. Gonxha” name; meaning is” flower bud” in the
Albanian language. She was the youngest of the five children. Life was pleasant
for the Bojaxhiu children. Her father was a merchant and owned a shop not far
from their home. Her mother affectionately called “Nane Loke”, means mother of
soul” in Albanian, was truly the soul of the Bojaxhiu home. She was a devoted
woman who taught her children to pray to God from their earliest years and to
know to love him. They learned also from her what it means to love one’s
neighbor: anyone who comes to her for help was never turned away when Gonxha
was just nine years old. Her father died suddenly. Never had the family felt
such pain and sorrow. Drana had to find ways to provide food, clothing and
other necessities and see to the education of the children. At the age of
twelve Gonxha first heard, in her heart, God calling her to follow him. Years
after later, when people asked her about her calling, she said, I knew I had a
vocation to the poor. I wanted to be a missionary, I wanted to go out and give
the life Christ to the people in the missionary countries. When she was
eighteen years old, she wrote to the institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary [the
Loreto Sisters], asking to join them. The reason she choose this order of nuns
was because they had a mission in India. Her mother gave her this advice: “put
your hand in his hand of Jesus and walk all alone with him and never look
back.” After a tearful goodbye at the train station, she courageously set out
for Rathfatnham Abbey in Dublin, Ireland in September 1928. There she spent two
months learning a new language- English. She also received a new name- “Sister
Teresa”, as a sign that she was beginning a new life. This new life in a new
country, away from her family, was not easy, but Sister Teresa felt a deep joy
and peace in her heart.
TERESA’S TRAINING AND CALLING:- FROM Ireland, sister Teresa, along with three
other young sisters, boarded a ship that would take them to the Loreto convent
in Bengal. At last they reached Bengal’s soil. Sister Teresa was sent to
Darjeeling. There she spent two years as a novice, praying, studying and
training her life as a religious sister. She also needed to learn the language
of the people and picked up Bengali and Hindi easily. Finally the great day
came when she would commit her life to God. On 25 May 1931, during a special
ceremony, Sister Teresa made her first vows. She promised God that she would
live a life of poverty, chastity and obedience and would devote herself to
teaching children. These vows were temporary- that means that they were for one
year, and then she would take them again.
Sister Teresa wore a long black habit [a religious dress] and received a
black veil to cover her head to show that she was consecrated to God. Sister
Teresa sent to the Loreto Entally Convent in Calcutta. She taught geography and
catechism in st. Mary’s Bengali medium school. She taught them the value of
making sacrifices to show their love for God in return. When they had free
time, Sister Teresa took some of her students to the slums to visit the poor.
On 24 may 1937, when she was twenty-seven years old, she made her final vows.
This time she promise God to live poverty, chastity and obedience for the rest
of her life was to be “only all for Jesus”. From this day on, she was no longer
called “Sister Teresa” but “mother Teresa”. She continued teaching and then in
1944 became Principal of St. Mary’s school. She was also put in charge of the
daughters of St. Anne, the community of Indian religious sisters who were
connected with the congregation of Loreto. It was on the 10 of September in
1946, mother Teresa was thirty-six years old, and she was in the train on her
way to Darjeeling to make her yearly retreat, where she would spend eight days
in silence, praying to God. On that train she experienced Jesus speaking to
her, to give up everything, even Loreto, and follows him into the slums, to
serve him in the people who had nothing and no one and who were suffering so
much- the poorest of the poor. When she got back to Calcutta, mother Teresa,
more than six months kept hearing Jesus speak to her and told her, “ My little
one- come, come, carry me to the holes of the poor. Come, be my light. I cannot
go alone- they don’t know me-so they don’t want me. Once she had a vision: she
saw many very poor people and children calling out her: come, come, save us-
bring us to Jesus
In august
1948, Mother Teresa exchanged her black Loreto habit and veil for a white sari
with a blue border and left the Loreto convent. Mother Teresa, now thirty
–eight years old, first went to Patna to stay with the Medical Mission Sisters
so she could learn from them how to do medical work. They taught her to nurse
the sick and give injections, what medicines to give for different sicknesses,
how to clean and bandage wounds. All this would be important for her to know
when she began the work in the slums.MOTHER
finished the nursing training she returned to Calcutta in December 1948, and
she got Indian citizenship as she wanted the country of the people she served
to be her own. Mother Teresa went out for the first time to Taltala and began
visiting families and poor those were on the street. She went to the pan bagan,
Motihil and Tiljala slums, doing what she could to relieve the sufferings of
the poor. The poverty and suffering she saw in the slums was dreadful. She
cleaned and bandaged wounds and gave medicines to those she could. She understood
that these people could be made happy if God entered their lives more fully. By
the first week of January 1949, Mother Teresa had opened a dispensary and a
school in Motihil with the help of volunteers. Her first class room was under a
tree and they used the ground for a blackboard. How happy the children were
able to go to school. In the meantime, Mother Teresa needed to find her own
place to stay. It was difficult to stay and to be alone. Sometimes she wanted
to go back to Loreto. But then she remembered her promise to God and that gave
her courage. At last she found a place at 14 creeks Lane, on the upper floor of
a house belonging to the Gomes brothers. She moved there in February1949.On 7 October
1950, Archbishop Perier formally established the small community of the
Missionaries of charity as a religious congregation in the archdiocese of
Calcutta. The work for the poorest of the poor began to grow. Mother Teresa and
her young companions carried Jesus as he had asked into the “Dark and Unhappy Homes”
of the poor, bringing hope and joy into their lives. Mother Teresa opened centers
where the poor could receive food and medicines and started more schools for
the poor children in the slums. For mother Teresa, each person was Jesus, even
though sometimes He was not very recognizable. She often reminded her sisters
of Jesus’ words from the Gospel, “whatever you did to the least of my brothers,
you did to me.In the
1950’s, thousands of people lived and died on the streets of Calcutta. The
sisters would often find people with full of worms or their bodies eaten by
rats, dying alone and uncared for. Mother Teresa wanted a home where she could
bring these sick and dying people and care for them so that they could die with
dignity and in peace in God. The city cooperation of Calcutta gave her the use
of one of the shelters for pilgrims at the kali temple. On 22 august 1952,
mother Teresa opened the first home for the dying in kalighat and named it
“Nirmal Hriday” which means “Pure Heart”. One of the patients there said, “I
have lived like an animal in the street, but I am going to die like an Angel. In their visits to the slums, mother Teresa
and her sisters found children suffering from malnutrition because their parents
were so poor and didn’t have food. They also found children who were orphaned.
Seeing the need of these little ones, mother Teresa opened a home to care for
them- this was the first SHISU BHAVAN. Once she met a rich business man for
getting helps for the shisu bhavan children, but the rich man spit on her
hands, then she said to him that this is for me’ will you give something for
these poor children, the rich man broke in spirit and fell on her knees and
asked for pardon and provided all needs for the shisu bhavan. She later started
a center for leprosy patients were they could receive medicine and treatment. By 1953, the number of sisters has increased
so much that there was not enough space in the 14 creeks lane house. Mother Teresa
obtained a bigger house, and this house became the mother house of the
missionaries of charity and thousands of girls have lived, prayed and trained
to become sisters there since then. Many houses were opened throughout India
and from India to more than 120 countries of the world.When mother Teresa
was 73 years old, she fell from bed and they took her to hospital and
discovered that she had a serious heart problem and had to receive a pacemaker.
As soon as she knew there were poor people suffering in some part of the world
because of disease, war earthquake, floods or famine, she was there to offer
help. It did not matter what caste, religion, or nationality the people were-
she saw every one as a child of God and as her brother or sister. As mother Teresa got older, her health continued
to get worse and worse. She wanted another sister to take over as head of the
missionaries of charity on March13 1997, sister nirmala m.c was elected to be
her successor as Superior General. Mother Teresa was filled with joy to give her
blessing to sister Nirmala and to be freed from such a great responsibilities. The
mother Teresa went home with the Lord Jesus whom she loved so much and served
him with great love to spread his aroma of love. The government of India
honored her with a state funernal on 13 September1997. Her body was buried in
mother house, on her tomb were engraved the words of Jesus, “Love one another
as I have loved you”. This is what Mother Teresa did all through her life.
Dear friends
if you admire and love Mother Teresa, spread the Love of Jesus and share and
serve the love of Jesus with others, kindly send your wording to my email ID. revsjc@,,,
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