FRIENDS God has made us fearfully and wonderfully, and wonderfull are his works.
WONDERFULLY MADE Monday, October 22, 2012
PS139:14:- I praise you, for I
am fearfully and wonderfully made, wonderful are your works; my soul knows it
very well.
Dear friends today we are going to wonder god’s wonderful
hand works, and also we are going to praise God for his sustain grace. Any time
do you think of your body and its wonderful functions? Did you wonder about
God’s hand work and his sustain grace? If a small stone hit our foot, then we
make a little noise saying it is paining. Some time we forget about the pains.
A small stone hits the foot but the brain only says that it is paining, is it
wonderful in God’s hand work?A man has breaths more than 25,000 times per day and breaths
1050 times per hour. Our lungs are running like a machine day and night every
day without stopping. We have nonstop breathing every day. It is not out best
effects, but it is naturally created by God’s hand. If the breathing air is not
going inside to our lungs then it has a problem, and also the breathing air is
not coming out of our lungs then it has a problem. If we continually are not
breathing for 10 minutes then we have to meet the death. Our breathing is in
the hands of God. Man is always boasting about his wonderful life and he or she
forgets about his or her life is in the hand of God.
Heart is the most precious and important part of the human
body. From the heart the blood runs through the veins to the whole body and
brain. If the heart did not work then the whole circulation of the blood is
blocked, and then that is a critical stage to human body. If the heart beat stop for 3 minutes, then
the brain death occurs. Sometimes if the heart not functions, then it occur
coma. Our heart beat and its function starts from our mothers’ womb until our
death. It is fully God’s grace and how
wonderfully we are made. God has taken from our mother’s womb; and he has made
us trust him at our Mother’ breast. When we cast out from our mother’s womb, he
has been our God in him we put our trust from our birth.
Every time we pass out our waste is urine, the blood is dialyzed
by our kidneys, and the waste is passed out. The blood is dialyzed and purified
by the kidneys. If the kidneys are not
functioning, the waste will mix in the blood, then the blood urea and creatinine
will rise, the renal will fail. Then we go for the artificial kidney dialyze
and for the permanent cure through renal transplantation. It will cost more. All
the parts of the body functions only because of God’s grace, we will praise God
only when we undergo the treatments in the hospitals. We know the painful
treatment and the sufferings; still we are not thankful to God who has
wonderfully made us.
Dear friends our
breath; our parts of body function, our waste pass out are all because of God’s
grace only. We do not think of our parts of body’s function. God’s creation and wonderful function of our
body’ parts remind us to be thankful to God every time. Just go to the
hospitals and see the people who are suffering with all these ailments and it
will remind us about the God’s wonderful made of our body. We ought to praise
God for his wonderful made of our body, and if we praise God for his wonderful
made and his grace it will take more than five minutes to praise.
Dear brothers and sisters let us thanks God for his grace
and how he protects us from all these ailments and sufferings. We have to
protect us from ailments and sickness before it comes. This is a proverb. But we
have to thank God who protects us from all these ailments and sickness. Let us
decide to live for God who gives life to live and protects us from all these
sickness. Lord we thank you for the good health and life. Lord we thank you for
your goodness and all the good things you provide us every day. Lord we do
thank you for your love and protect us from all these sickness. Amen. If you
are reminded about your parts of body and its functions and how God’s wonderful
intervention in our life, then kindly share with your friends and relatives,
and send your comments to my email ID. revsjc@gmail.com,
revsjc12@hotmail.com, johnchelliah857@yahoo.com,
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