Tuesday 20 November 2012



Dear children of God, today I want to introduce a pious woman whom loved God and his servants and she ministered unto them by her wealth called LYDIA. First time she heard the good news of Jesus and opened her heart to that good news in the riverside of city Phillip by Apostle Paul. She lived in the city of LYDIA H  So, she was called by the name of Lydia. Thyatira is a part of Lydia h  She came from Thyatira and lived in Lydia h where she did the work of spinning the purple goods and a seller of purple goods. She was wealthy lady and who was a worshiper of God. She had servants in her house and lived in a wealthy big house.
Commonly people from trade or business won’t get time to seek God and involve in the God’ ministries. But, Lydia gave time to worship God and to attend prayer meeting at the riverside of Phillip city, even though she was a busy purple seller in the city. The prayer meeting was conducted at the riverside, because there was no synogue in the city. There are few Jews in the city, it was a Roman colony.  God knew her heart longings and he send Silas and Paul to this Phillip city. Whenever Silas and Paul gather for prayers at the riverside of the city, Paul used to preach the word of God. Lydia had listened to the word of God and he opened her heart to the good news of Jesus. Jesus had entered into the heart of Lydia and she accepted Jesus Christ as her personal savior and Lord.Through her faith in Jesus, she and her household people saved by the grace of God. Lydia was the first baptized believer in European continent. The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul. And after she was baptized, and her household as well, she urged Silas and Paul, saying, if you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come to my house and stay. Her house becomes a house of God for worship. Lydia who has labored with Paul side by side in the gospel together with clement and the rest of Paul’s fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life?Lydia, along with the business of selling purple goods, she did ministry of God by serving and helping servants of God. She spent her wealth for proclaiming the good news to the peoples those who were not heard. Like Lydia, let us first open our hearts to the good news of Jesus and ready to spend our wealth and money for his kingdom to be established.  Whatever business or any other work or job we do, doesn't matter let us walk and live with pure heart to be a witness of Jesus. Like Lydia, let others see Jesus in our life. Dear brothers and sisters let us open our heart to Jesus and serve him with pure heart and let us stand in the beautiful lane of saints before the throne of God to serve him day and night. If you are opened your heart to good news, share the good news to your friends and relatives and let me hear from you through my email ID. revsjc@gmail.com, revsjc12@hotmail.com,

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