Wednesday 17 October 2012


Milk and Honey

Dear children of God, man is always murmurs for many reasons, which he meets. Murmuring shows the disbelief of the people on God. God was leading the Israelite towards the milk and honey land Canaan, on the way they have to meet the scarcity of water. When they came to Mara they found the water but the water was very bitter and they could not drink the water. They were started to murmur against God and Moses. The promise was milk and honey but that was bitter. Instead of sweetness they have found bitterness. Here rises a question about the God’s promise of milk and honey. When God leads his people, whether the people of God can meet this kind of scarcity and bitterness?  Job says that he will not let me get my breath, but fills me with bitterness. He has besieged and enveloped me with bitterness and tribulation. God has created us with love then, how can he fill us with bitterness and troubles?

Dear friends in your life’s way you might have met many bitterness and troubles. In that situations do not dismay and worry, because the Lord one who leads you never leave you nor forsake you. God’s plan has a purpose of leading through that kind of situations. Only crossing the wilderness could find the milk and honey. Unless and until we cross the Mara cannot find the sweet Eli m springs. When Christ came into this world to fulfill the God’s will, he has to meet the cross death. For that he did not murmur against God and his Will, but he obeyed God to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father.

When Jesus was on the cross, he was thirsty, for him they gave him bitterness but on that time Jesus looked unto the face of his father only. After death, there is a resurrection. Don’t forget it. After suffering there was a double portion of blessings. Job did not know it. After crossing Mara there was Eli m with twenty springs of water with sweetness. The people of Israel did not know it. So they murmured against God and Moses. If Jesus should rise from the dead, he must to go through the cross death, and he accepted it without grumblings. In this world we are live in many sufferings and troubles, but we must notice that there is glory after the end of sufferings. We may cross through many red seas, Mara's  and wilderness, but in all that one who promised milk and honey is present in our midst, don’t worry. Each and every day he is along with us and he is ready to provide a remedy to make us happy.

In Mara people of Israel murmured for drinking water and again they have murmured for food in Sin wilderness. What shall we eat? Two months and fifteen days were past after they have departed from Egypt. They have seen God’s miracles and wonders and they have celebrated their victory, suddenly they have forgotten God’s presence and his promise of milk and honey. God’s hand is not short to do miracles, in our life or his hand is not short to bring milk and honey. He satisfies the birds and animals with food, then why not he satisfies us.

Dear brothers and sisters today God will satisfy with milk and honey and good things. Don’t forget the God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac is with us. He is Emmanuel  Just count the blessings and name them one by one, what God has done in our life. David says that even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Just praise God who leads us to the land of milk and honey the promise land that is the heavenly aboard. Let me pray for you, friends, let the Lord who leads us and hears us will supply our needs and satisfy our souls. Milk and honey will give us good strength to walk through the Mara, wilderness and red sea. Oh! Lord gives us patient in sufferings and needs, gives us a heart to thank your wonderful guidance. Lord help us to remember your greatness and blessings. Lord give us always a thankful heart to cling your promises. Lord bestow your blessings of milk and honey. We ask all these things in the name of our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ. Amen. If you are blessed by milk and honey kindly share with your friends and relatives, and let me know your comments send to my email ID.,,,          


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