Friday, 14 September 2012



NAME: - Jude [the brother, and disciple of Jesus]
BROTHERS: - James, José, and Simone
Turning point in Jude’s life: - After the resurrection of Jesus.
Period of his writing:-AD 70-80.
Special events: - After the martyrdom of Peter and Paul, destruction of Jerusalem and temple and city, tribulation of the church.
A small book in the bible contains 25 verses in the epistle.
 This book has great impacts and historical and traditional events with values.
This epistle is written by the familiar and famous disciple and brother of our Lord Jesus. In his epistle; he brought the events, of Old Testament historical facts and the Israel people’s life in the wilderness.

And he explains about God’ commandments and his teachings, and the sins of the Israelites.
The sins of the Angels and their fall were depicted, and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. There was a debate about Moses’ body between the angel Michael and Satan.
The characteristics of Cain’ way Balaam’ error and korah’ rebellion are explained.
Enoah comes in the second coming of Jesus.
Noah was a great preacher about righteousness of god.
He mentioned two Egyptian magicians.

The letter of Jude warns against those who having gained admission to the church were perverting the grace of God. Denying “0ur only Master and lord, Jesus Christ”.[v.4] Jude used Old testament  examples to warn of these blemishes  on the church. He wrote multiple denunciations of these ungodly people who defile the flesh and reject authority [v.8] He urged Christians to continue in godliness and love toward such people, in some cases, reasoning with them, in other cases snatching them out of the fire” [v.23] he depicts judgment on false teachers and called the Christians to preserve Holiness. He preferred the whole church to meet Jesus Christ in second coming.
Jude closes with most beautiful doxologies in all of scripture [v.24, 25]

This is given here and is preferred to meet the Lord Jesus Christ Dear children of God kindly read the book of Jude with the hints who is going to come again. Now  to him who is able to keep you from stumbling  and present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, the only God, our savior , through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever, Amen.
Dear friends if you are blessed by this study material please introduce to your friends and relatives and send your comments to my email ID.,,,,  

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